LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND – Here’s one great excuse to visit one of the nicest cities around Lake Geneva: food! Lausanne is the featured city for the strangely called: 2012 Swiss City of Taste. As part of this yummy culinary festival there will be plenty of opportunities to try out new flavours and enjoy gourmet walks and […]
Archives for July 2012
Summer suggestion: vineyard train and Morges dahlias in bloom
MORGES, SWITZERLAND – Morges is a lovely town of some 15,000 souls, on the lakefront about 15km from Lausanne. Those who explored it during the April-May tulip festival for which it is famed can now enjoy another flower outing: the dahlias along the quays have flowered. The colours are magnificent and it gives you a […]
Important driving message for foreigners in Switzerland
GENEVA, SWITZERLAND – A sad story arrived in the mailbox from canton Valais police this morning: a 90-year-old man who was hit while crossing the road Monday died of his injuries during the night. The accident took place in the village of Ollon. The man was in the yellow crosswalk area and the 24-year-old Russian […]
More seat belts worn, but dip in back seat passengers buckling up
BERN, SWITZERLAND – Swiss drivers are increasingly buckling up, with the country passing the 90 percent threshold for the first time in 2012: 92 percent of drivers and front seat passengers used seat belts, the annual Swiss Safety Council (bfu) survey shows. But 2012 also saw a slight dip in the number of back seat […]