It’s one thing to pucker up and eat raw rhubarb; it’s another to drink wine with something this sharp.
Food & dining
Uncork now, 8 March 2019
Swiss wines with a touch of Scotland! Today’s wines are both Pinot Noirs, nothing pale or timid about either of them, one from Givrins near Geneva and the other from the Swiss Alps.
Meat and fish cuts and names
Names for fish and meat cuts in Europe – here’s a bit of help for fish and meat lovers who, like me, suffer this odd form of illiteracy, inconvenient when you talk about food and wine pairings
A gem of a Swiss wine guide
The real reason I love this book is that it has a soul and a vision. It brings together Tinguely’s love for fine cuisine, terroir foods and a slow food approach to cooking and eating, plus his clear vision of what Swiss wine can be.
Fried winter sage, Fendant
Quickly stir-fried, sage leaves make a fun snack with a glass of well-chilled Valais Fendant, or you might try a Muscat, Païen or powerful Petite Arvine for stronger aromas.