Bern, Switzerland (GenevaLunch) – Swiss wine producers at the opening today of Arvinis in Morges will be smiling, with the government announcing Tuesday the first upturn in wine consumption in several years (search for “l’année viticole 2007”). Figures for 2007 show a 3.6% overall increase in wine consumed, but with a rise of 5.7% for […]
FEATURE / A year in the life of a vigneron: visiting the cellar
Editor’s note: This is the ninth in a year-long series on the life of a Vaudois winemaker, or vigneron, in the Lake Geneva region. GL follows Raymond Paccot and Domaine La Colombe in Féchy from the 2006 harvest to the next one in 2007. At the end of the article you will find tips for […]
FEATURE / St Prex as medieval backdrop to 21st c festival
Editor’s note: GenevaLunch is a media sponsor for the event, which takes place in GL’s home town. View our "Moods of St Prex" collection of 50 photos by Ellen Wallace, part of the GL photo album. Photo, left: St Prex’s main street and, through the arches, the roman church: concerts will take place in both […]