Chandra Kurt‘s Chasselas book has encouraged me to try more well-aged Chasselas wines with typical foods from the Lake Geneva region. Last night it was the turn of a Vaud cabbage sausage (saucisse au choux sounds more elegant) which I served with a good Chasselas, aged. Potatoes and this sausage with a knife tip of mild yellow mustard is one of my favourite November meals, hearty and warming and sociable.
We had it with a 2010 Château de Chillon Chasselas that has been cooling its heels in the wine cellar. The lovely bright and fruity notes of its youth are gone, replaced by a rounder and more robust wine that can hold its own with the sausage. What a way to welcome in the first snow of the season on the mountains just above us. Our turn for snow Tuesday, probably welcomed in with yet another older Chasselas.
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