The conference in Bramois offered an exciting moment because it’s the first time so many Divico disease-resistant wines have been tasted together, organized by single grape wines, blends, oaked, not oaked.
Ruminations on recent wine news
Sunday wine news perusings and musings for you. An article in Forbes about Swiss wine that will please the country’s wine promotion body, an interesting article about natural wine in The Guardian that is too focused on France, a provocative story in Le Temps about Bern’s efforts to centralize agricultural (including wine) research, a promising […]
Let the sexual confusion begin!
GENEVA, SWITZERLAND – Little brown pouches are appearing on vineyards in Switzerland at the moment, a reminder of the ongoing greening of the wine grape business. Switzerland remains a world leader in the use of pheromones instead of insecticides, an ecological solution to pests in vineyards. The system is based on large-scale diffusion in vineyards […]
Zurich’s “unique” contribution to wine world in 2013
GENEVA, SWITZERLAND – Don’t miss the extraordinary tale, a feature, of how the “1895” wine yeast that made headlines in 2008 has moved from a 113 year old bottle to the world stage, where it will be marketed in 2013.
Vintage 1895 Zurich wine yeast ready for the world
Zurich’s Rauschling wine: proof of a genie in the bottle ZURICH, SWITZERLAND – A live yeast discovered four years ago in an 1895 Rauschling wine from Obermeilen, canton Zurich, will provide the world’s winemakers with an exciting new option in 2013. The yeast, which plays an important role in developing a wine’s nose, or unique […]