Learn to be smarter about your drinking and you’ll be able to look forward honestly to tomorrow’s drink.
Is there a magic number for drinking intelligently?
You’ve surely seen the big headlines this week, that alcohol is a lot “worse for you than you thought” (Mother Jones) and that “regular excess drinking can take years off your life” (BBC) and an “extra glass of wine a day ‘will shorten your life by 30 minutes’” (The Guardian). The research in question becomes […]
Dear women: let’s get smarter about wine
Alcohol, religion, health, sexiness, food and wine – the debates over how much or how little wine you can or should or should not drink and when and with what or whom: the talk goes on and on. Meanwhile, women have nearly caught up with men when it comes to drinking, and that doesn’t just […]
When we began to drink
It appears that our ancestors began to drink alcohol – without getting sick from moderate amounts – about 10 million years ago. New evidence puts the date much further back than previously thought, with some anthropologists having suggested 9,000 years ago, when humans began to ferment food. Researchers, led by Matthew Carrigan from the University […]
Swiss continue to drink 1.6 litres of spirits a year
Figure well below that for UK, France GENEVA, SWITZERLAND – The Swiss continue to hold a steady line on their consumption of spirits, at about 1.6 litres per person a year for the past 10 years. Consumption has risen slightly, new figures from the Federal Bureau for Alcohol show, but in line with the rising […]