Give me a cool Fendant and a fondue in a Swiss resort any day, compared to a London city centre Alpine experience – but hey, not everyone is as lucky as those of us in Switzerland! So for those stuck in the city, here is a list of the top 10 Alpine bars in London, […]
Prettiest little garden guest
GENEVA, SWITZERLAND – My weekend mountain garden, end of the season tidying, was brightened by this beautiful little Swiss Alpine butterfly, who stayed next to me for the longest time. What a beauty! I believe it’s called Eros blue, based on a number of photos on the site eurobutterflies by Matt Rowlings, where he notes […]
Gardeners: time to shop for grasses
Someone asked me recently for advice on what plants to grow in the Alps, in mountainous areas. I’m still reflecting on this and will write about it later, but two things came to mind immediately, because they have been so easy to grow: pumpkins, which love to run down a slope, and wild grasses, which […]
Swiss summer traffic: expected heavy traffic routes and times
Switzerland (GenevaLunch) – The summer travel season begins in earnest 30 June and the Swiss federal government has issued its list of roads and dates when travelers can expect heavy traffic. Les axes routiers et les jours présentant un fort risque de perturbations sont les suivants : Autoroutes Heading south A1 St Margrethen – Geneva, […]
Peppermint, the new stuff
My next to the last post was about the pleasure of finding dried peppermint leaves under deep winter snow, on the edge of the veranda or I would have needed a shovel. And then I, too, hibernated. Now we have the raw pleasure of new, fresh peppermint leaves, hugging the ground, not worrying about whether […]