In a series of blind-tastings of 9,200 wines over three days, by 350 judges, where no one knew the country of origin of any of the wines, Switzerland was the fifth most bemedalled country at the Concours Mondial de Bruxelles, a remarkable feat.
books on Swiss wine in English
Book review: “Wine regions and wines, Switzerland”
Swiss Wine Promotion (SWP) has just come out with a new book, and if you want up to date, correct and easy to read information about the landscape of Swiss wines, get yourself a copy. It’s free for the asking, in English, French and German.
Wine judges: bashers and king-makers not wanted
Little Aigle, Switzerland was the scene of 9,200 wine judgements, 2-5 May. Wineries shipped their wares to this town in canton Vaud from around the world, hoping they would be noticed and found to be beautiful at the itinerant Concours Mondial de Bruxelles. The results come out 13 May. As one of the judges, I’m […]