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Chateau d'Aigle
Recent wine fun, Best of Swiss Wine Tourism
Prologue: cycling, diplomats, wine in Spain I haven’t been writing here much lately. This summer has been devoted mainly to three things: renovating a garden, building up physical strength following three major orthopaedic surgeries in 15 months and working on a collection of essays and another of short stories. But there has been, happily, time […]
Old vintages festival, night
This is the fifth annual Nuit des Vieux Millésimes and festival, two wonderful opportunities to explore older vintages of Swiss wines. The Night, 3 March, features restaurants with special menus designed around the older wines, for a set price. Details will be added to the Night’s web page in coming days. The festival and Night […]
Chasselas awards, party this weekend
Chasselas will be in the limelight this weekend, with awards from the Mondial du Chasselas announced Friday night 4 July at the Chateau d’Aigle, followed by a popular festival Saturday at the castle. The weather forecast is for two near-perfect days, with sunshine and comfortable temperatures, says MeteoSwiss: 16-25C and no rain in sight Saturday. […]