What Arvine en Capital gets exactly right It’s all about the way your nose sniffs it, isn’t it? twitching like a rabbit to get a whiff of rhubarb or maybe wisteria in the air. And about the way your mouth lets it flow in, air and wine in a tight weave, moving together so that […]
Gerard Dorsaz
Arvine, November 2019 picks
Background article on Fully en Capital, the wine-tasting event where I sampled these wine selections. Arvines to fall in love with The 22 wineries that are members of the Association Fully Grand-Cru present their Arvines each November. Arvine is the second most widely grown grape in Fully, 32.3 hectares versus 73.3 ha for Fendant (Chasselas). […]
Wine pick: Petite Arvine from Valais
Valais has a wonderful collection of wines, far richer in diversity than most wine-growing regions in the world. One of the real jewels among them is Petite Arvine, a wine which has a surprisingly salty finish. A friend who was translating a wine text recently asked me, “That can’t be right, can it? it’s not […]