Wine drinkers who are hunting for organic wines, slow down! These wines aren’t created overnight, but we have taken such a fancy to the idea of them in Europe, in such a short time, that the winemaking business barely has a chance to keep up. More organic wines, quality up, prices higher The number of […]
Dear women: let’s get smarter about wine
Alcohol, religion, health, sexiness, food and wine – the debates over how much or how little wine you can or should or should not drink and when and with what or whom: the talk goes on and on. Meanwhile, women have nearly caught up with men when it comes to drinking, and that doesn’t just […]
Drinks: green tea may help short-term brain function
BASEL, SWITZERLAND – Researchers at the University of Basel have found that green tea helps short-term plasticity in the brain, holding out promise for treatment for neuropsychiatric problems such as Alzheimer’s disease. MRI’s (magnetic resonance imaging) were run on healthy males who drank green tea soft drinks. The “MRI showed increased connectivity between the parietal […]
Zurich’s “unique” contribution to wine world in 2013
GENEVA, SWITZERLAND – Don’t miss the extraordinary tale, a feature, of how the “1895” wine yeast that made headlines in 2008 has moved from a 113 year old bottle to the world stage, where it will be marketed in 2013.
The flavours of our cutlery, a must-read
GENEVA, SWITZERLAND – Fuchsia Dunlop, a favourite food writer, has just put together a wonderful article in the Financial Times about the impact of our cutlery on the way our food tastes. This is a must-read for flavour and aromas fans, and to whet your appetite, here’s part of it: “The sight of 15 adults […]