One of the best articles I’ve read on wine, consumer attitudes and the American market. None of which would make it worth reading to most of us outside the USA except that so much of it applies to the rest of us.
Cuban rum from the US – not quite the real thing
GENEVA, SWITZERLAND – Travelers from the US to Cuba this year will be able to sample the real Havana Club Cuban rum, but they might not even be aware that the brand sold at home under the same name is a rip-off label brand. IP Watch reports this week that the brand name is sparking […]
Spot on? or variation on Australia’s bag in box?
Two US companies, Nuvino and Spotwine, are marketing bagged wine as an innovation that takes the snobbery out of wine while preserving the quality, but the real sales pitch is convenience. Little wine pouches keep the flavour in but come in a small size and don’t require a corkscrew, the literature says. My first thought […]
Italians, Spaniards and French visited Swiss in November
BERN, SWITZERLAND – Swiss tourism figures showed some unusual developments in November 2013, with Italy showing the strongest growth, with overnight stays up 14 percent, France up 8.2 percent and Spain up 14 percent. Italy led the way with the largest overall increase in visitors, but European visits to Switzerland as a whole rose 2.9 […]
Human Rights Watch accuses S Africa vineyards of worker abuse
GENEVA, SWITZERLAND – South African vineyards and fruit farms are accused in a new report by Human Rights Watch (HRW) of abusing their workers who, it says, are some of the worst-paid workers in the country. Ripe with Abuse: Human Rights Conditions in South Africa’s Fruit and Wine Industries,” was published Tuesday 23 August by […]