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Vineglorious wine book
Wine books: Chasselas, 2 guides, Swiss grapes
Holiday and gift-giving time is not far off, and this year you should consider some good books for wine fans. My four top choices, three of which are in French, are: Cepages Suisses, histoire et origines, by José Vouillamoz, out this week Gault & Millau Guide Suisse 2018, published in October Guide Bleu 2017/18, published […]
This weekend: Coppet’s garden fair, Valais wineries’ open days
We’re all crossing our fingers, hoping the fine warm weather will hold for the weekend, with a wonderful holiday (Ascension, a 4-day break for many) series of events on. The Geneva Marathon will keep thousands of runners drinking water, but the rest of us may be sampling wines in Valais, which is holding its open […]