To brighten your day and remind you that the aromas and flavours we find in wines often become familiar to us first through our gardens: here are a few photos from my Swiss Alpine garden, at 1100 metres altitude, in late October. You might think I have enough squash, but when I stopped by the Pressoir des Alpes in Fully to buy apples, I fell in love with several pumpkin varieties I don’t grow, so we now have yet more varieties to experiment with throughout the winter. I also bought a few kilos of the new Opale apple, yellow but nothing like Golden Delicious – crunchy, acidic yet sweet.
Young Jordane Carron is not only working with his father and grandfather to build their Pressoir fruit business, but he’s also keen to sell cider, and he’s busy experimenting, testing, tasting. I’ll be back with my cider notes once I’ve had a chance to taste what I brought home. You’ll find him on Facebook, @pressoirdesalpes. You’re also likely to find some of their apples in a major supermarket chain.
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