Wine tasting notes, Chasselas wine video, Chasselas White wine, dry Grape variety, Chasselas Winery: Giroud Vins Location: Sion, canton Valais Price at the winery: CHF17.90 View this wine reviewed in French by Laurent Probst and in German by Gabriel Tinguely Complete list of GenevaLunch Swiss wine videos, produced by RomanDuVin Click on image to view […]
Search Results for: Dufaux
Swiss gold in liquid form
Withered Pinot Gris grapes make a luscious sweet wine A beautiful reincarnation began on the mountainside above Aigle last Saturday: 60 0 kg of shriveled and mostly unattractive grapes were snipped off the vines and began a slow transformation into a rich gold liquid that is one of the treasures of Switzerland, at the Badoux […]
Vineglorious! book’s living Index
If you would like a printed copy of the index for your book, please contact me at You can also download and print the two-page Vineglorious index, PDF, identical to the one below, but without the links. Index: Vineglorious! Switzerlnd’s Wondrous World of Wines Note that grape variety descriptions appear in the margins throughout […]
Suzukii strikes fear at Swiss wineries
Don’t make forecasts about the 2104 harvest just yet! Two months ago a wine producer from canton Valais suddenly turned to me at a crowded dinner where the conversation had been fairly lighthearted. He frowned and said, “we’re worried about Suzukii, not the car, but the new bug.” I gave him a blank look, so […]
Chateau de Chillon wines into lake
Chateau de Chillon’s wines have had a re-brith in the past three years and are gaining an excellent reputation in the wine world, under the guidance of Badoux winery’s oenologist, Daniel Dufaux. The second “dumping” of 400 bottles of the most recent vintage of the wine as well as a brut sparkling wine from Badoux into Lake Geneva doesn’t mean they are throwing it away, but storing it at a low temperature in a pilot project.
The goal is to see what the impact is on the evolution of wine stored and matured underwater. Tests will be carried out by oenologists for tasting but also by the federal research station in Changins for the impact on the chemical and biological makeup of the wine.