Wine drinkers who are hunting for organic wines, slow down! These wines aren’t created overnight, but we have taken such a fancy to the idea of them in Europe, in such a short time, that the winemaking business barely has a chance to keep up. More organic wines, quality up, prices higher The number of […]
Search Results for: Organic
Swiss wine news: Organic winners
First certified organic competition winners named A slew of Swiss certified organic wines now boast gold and silver medals awarded by the first-ever Swiss Organic Wine (Bio Vino in French) competition, which took place in late May. The winners were announced in Bern 14 June. My favourite of course is the winner of the Press […]
Chateauneuf, organically
Note: Jacqueline André is presenting a rare vertical tasting of her wines Thursday evening 23 March at Cave SA in Gland. Grape harvests are always a joy: for the grower who can finally begin to relax after seeing the babies grow into mature adults, for grape pickers if the vineyard is one that takes real pride […]
The organic orgy
We’re all going to the organic ball Imagine giving a party where you invite everyone you know and tell them to bring their friends. “Be prepared to strip down to the bare essentials, or less.” A lot of them find a good excuse to stay away, right? But those who show up can’t stop crowing […]
Lavaux embraces organic
LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND – Lavaux is about to put to rest forever the idea that organic wines are second-best, following a decision by a group of growers-producers Wednesday evening to stop using all synthetic products and to sharply curb the number of vine treatments by helicopters, from 7-8 a year to 4. The vote by producers […]