We harvest 20-40 pumpkins from our Alpine garden every October, dry them for a month on the warm stones of the veranda to harden them off, then store them in a cool dark area for winter eating. We grow them at 1,100 metres altitude, on dirt mixed with a good dose of the neighboring farmer’s […]
Thanksgiving recipe: Indian pudding
When it comes to traditional American recipes, Fanny Farmer is still about as reliable a source as you can find. Since corn was the main grain in North America before the Europeans arrived, I think every Thanksgiving meal should include some kind of corn dish, just for symbolic purposes. We can be almost certain that […]
GenevaLunch on wine, turkeys and sports nutrition
From the editor: the second part of the article on Switzerland’s 66 top wines, adapted from l’Hebdo, will be delayed to Thursday afternoon due to technical problems. If you haven’t yet checked out our most recent features and interviews (always below the international news on the home page), this is a great time to do […]
Old eggs, snakes in booze: extreme food tasting comes to Morges
Everyone was interested in the aphrodisiacs.