You’ve surely seen the big headlines this week, that alcohol is a lot “worse for you than you thought” (Mother Jones) and that “regular excess drinking can take years off your life” (BBC) and an “extra glass of wine a day ‘will shorten your life by 30 minutes’” (The Guardian). The research in question becomes […]
Dear women: let’s get smarter about wine
Alcohol, religion, health, sexiness, food and wine – the debates over how much or how little wine you can or should or should not drink and when and with what or whom: the talk goes on and on. Meanwhile, women have nearly caught up with men when it comes to drinking, and that doesn’t just […]
Alcohol abuse costs Swiss CHF632 each
BERN, SWITZERLAND – The “social cost” of alcohol abuse in Switzerland in 2010 was CHF4.2 billion according to a study published 20 March by the Swiss Public Health Office. Switzerland has 6.7 million people over the age of 15: the cost to the economy comes to CHF632 per person over age 15, argues Bern. The […]
Human Rights Watch accuses S Africa vineyards of worker abuse
GENEVA, SWITZERLAND – South African vineyards and fruit farms are accused in a new report by Human Rights Watch (HRW) of abusing their workers who, it says, are some of the worst-paid workers in the country. Ripe with Abuse: Human Rights Conditions in South Africa’s Fruit and Wine Industries,” was published Tuesday 23 August by […]