You’ve surely seen the big headlines this week, that alcohol is a lot “worse for you than you thought” (Mother Jones) and that “regular excess drinking can take years off your life” (BBC) and an “extra glass of wine a day ‘will shorten your life by 30 minutes’” (The Guardian). The research in question becomes […]
Why the Swiss are drinking more Swiss wine
GENEVA, SWITZERLAND – The Federal Agriculture Office couldn’t have given Swiss wineries a better gift for Easter than the latest figures that show consumers are drinking more Swiss wine and imports are gently sliding. The FAO notes in publishing its 2013 wine statistics that a special situation last year might account for part of this: […]
Swiss drinking less milk, less wine but cheese and chocolates are happy staples
BERN, SWITZERLAND – Chocolate and cheese consumption in Switzerland aren’t slipping, but two liquid icons of Swissness are continuing their downward trend: milk and wine consumption are both slipping, despite an increasing population. Whether the larger share of foreigners in the population partially explains the change is a matter for conjecture. Cheese consumption has remained […]
Swiss continue to drink 1.6 litres of spirits a year
Figure well below that for UK, France GENEVA, SWITZERLAND – The Swiss continue to hold a steady line on their consumption of spirits, at about 1.6 litres per person a year for the past 10 years. Consumption has risen slightly, new figures from the Federal Bureau for Alcohol show, but in line with the rising […]
Swiss cheese industry boosted by free trade
We’re eating more than 400 grams of cheese a week per person BERN, SWITZERLAND – The Swiss cheese industry benefited in the first five years of free trade with the European Union, a study released 30 October shows. Exports slowed down in 2011 due to the strong Swiss franc, but in the first half of […]