In a series of blind-tastings of 9,200 wines over three days, by 350 judges, where no one knew the country of origin of any of the wines, Switzerland was the fifth most bemedalled country at the Concours Mondial de Bruxelles, a remarkable feat.
2017 wines from Swiss Mémoire group
Once a year the Mémoire des Vins Suisses group invites the public to a tasting session where wineries present three vintages of their wine. It’s a don’t-miss event.
Matter of taste 2019 walkabout, comparing wines
This was a walkabout tasting of fine wines that let me compare different Swiss wineries’ Pinot Noirs. It was also an opportunity to make other types of comparisons among wines that have been given at least 90 points by Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate.
Fried winter sage, Fendant
Quickly stir-fried, sage leaves make a fun snack with a glass of well-chilled Valais Fendant, or you might try a Muscat, Païen or powerful Petite Arvine for stronger aromas.
Uncork now: Dôle, Cornalin
What to uncork, 10 January – January is a month when I’m not ready for heavy reds again -I want hearty vegetables, a bit less meat, plenty of exercise.